
How to Increase Chatbot Customer Service Satisfaction and Conversion

The most significant part of increasing chatbot engagement is getting your audience comfortable talking to robots. With substantial aspects of online businesses becoming increasingly automated daily, ensuring your bot engages with potential customers properly is a fundamental... read more

9 minutes
Aug 11, 2022

How Business Automation Can Improve Customer Service Operations

There are many reasons why we may dread getting in touch with customer service. For instance, writer Bill Bryson once wrote, “The other day I called my computer helpline, because I needed to be made to feel ignorant by someone much younger than me.” With a properly... read more

7 minutes
Jul 25, 2022

5 Key Facts Businesses Need to Know About AI and Augmented Reality

Technology has revolutionized the way businesses operate and interact with customers.  Access to advanced tools and data has simplified the workflow, leading to a more targeted and engaging approach to customer acquisition. But this is only the beginning.  It’s not... read more

8 minutes
Apr 22, 2022

How to Build Your Email List with Chatbots

Having a quality email list is a great way to grow your brand. Of course, building a legitimate email list takes some time and effort. The good news? You can streamline the process and get a little help from automated chatbots.  Yes, we’re talking about those... read more

7 minutes
Mar 16, 2022

How to Make your Ecommerce Chatbot Rock this Shopping Season

The holiday season is going to feel different this year. Many fewer consumers are going to hunt for products in physical stores to stay away from crowds. But that doesn’t mean they’re going to purchase less. Data shows that during the 2008 recession, contrary to predictions, many... read more

7 minutes
Nov 9, 2021

How Can You Boost Customer Experience Using Chatbots

You’re a customer trying to get help from a company. You’ve searched their website for answers, but nothing fits your problem. You try calling their support line but are put on hold for what seems like forever. Finally, you try their chat feature, hoping for a quicker... read more

7 minutes
Mar 24, 2021

How to Create Chatbot Buttons That People Love to Click

Buttons are simple, clickable elements that a bot may send to users to showcase different options. If created well, they can significantly improve the user experience. However, if implemented carelessly, they can really stir things up. What to pay attention to while creating your... read more

8 minutes
Mar 19, 2019

6 customer journeys you can enhance with chatbots

Chatbots: your next best CX friend You could be forgiven for feeling like the rise of chatbots happened overnight. It wasn’t even long ago that human-powered live chat was thought of as a tertiary feature (one that rarely even featured on websites, let alone one that could... read more

8 minutes
Jul 25, 2018

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