Customer Service

How Business Automation Can Improve Customer Service Operations

There are many reasons why we may dread getting in touch with customer service. For instance, writer Bill Bryson once wrote, “The other day I called my computer helpline, because I needed to be made to feel ignorant by someone much younger than me.” With a properly... read more

7 minutes
Jul 25, 2022

The Importance of Social Proof in Ecommerce Social Media Marketing

As an ecommerce brand, you may struggle to get satisfied customers to influence your prospective customers. However, if you start leveraging the positive effects of customer reviews, you’ll turn the situation around. Doing so can help you consistently outsell your... read more

10 minutes
Jul 19, 2022

Top Tools and Technologies for Creating Effective Customer Surveys

Customer feedback is essentially opinions and experiences shared by the customers about a product or service they have engaged with. It helps customers share their experience with the product or the company and allows businesses to improve product development and overall customer... read more

10 minutes
Jun 7, 2022

Power Your Online Sales with Top AI Tools

Artificial Intelligence, the technology of the future, is already here.  Whether it’s Spotify recommendations, Google Ads, or conversations with Alexa and Siri, AI is ubiquitous. And the same AI can supercharge your company’s sales. Do you want to forecast more... read more

14 minutes
Jun 1, 2022

5 Customer Retention Strategies for Small Businesses

Every business, small or big, strives to retain a healthy customer base. Retaining customers doesn’t just bring revenue, it also boosts loyalty and attracts new customers to the business. Statistics show that a 5% increase in customer retention can boost profits by up... read more

7 minutes
Jan 31, 2022

Last-Minute Tips to Beat the Holiday Rush

They say the holiday shopping season starts earlier every year — that’s true this time around. Consumers are worried that stores might be lacking inventory, which has already become the global aftermath of the pandemic. By shopping earlier, customers hope to get presents before... read more

5 minutes
Nov 9, 2021

How to Build a Great Chatbot in a Few Simple Steps

As the AI trend keeps rising, chatbots become more a must-have rather than a nice have part of the business. The increasing demand for chats continues to grow so to keep the customer satisfaction rate high; companies must find ways to cope with the rising volumes of inquiries... read more

5 minutes
Mar 12, 2019

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