
Join the Academy and become a chatbot expert

3 min read
Nov 5, 2018
The chatbot academy logo and yellow blocks on a green background

The Academy brings a new and efficient way to master chatbots: no more hours spent on reading docs and following tedious instructions.

Learning new applications is like moving to a new city. First days, you entirely rely on maps, browse the internet to know the right places, and meet people to form your own path. After some time you manage to have your favorite coffee house, lunch bar, and first friends. A year after you know shortcuts and, hidden venues and events that only locals know about. Gaining confidence in a new place always requires time, bids, and disappointments.

But there is one crucial difference between mastering new applications and moving into new places — you might change the place only a couple of times in your life but learning several different apps, and that second venture is never that exciting.

We don’t want you to spend your precious time studying our docs and following long tutorials. Instead, we have prepared a new space — the Academy, that will guide you through quick solutions to become a ChatBot expert. We have complete lessons that show in a few minutes all shortcuts, best practices, and greatest advice to build a complete chatbot that needs only your personal touch.

chatbot academy lessons section

Available lessons:

Getting Started

In the new Academy section, you can find various lessons that will guide you through the complete process of building a bot. Follow any of them to create a ready-to-use chatbot story waiting to integrate with your favorite services.

onboarding in the chatbot app

Each lesson covers a different bot scenario and emphasizes another part of the building process. Achieve goals to stay motivated and become a real chatbot master!