The ChatBot and LiveChat integration

Dariusz Zabrzenski
3 min read
updated: Mar 9, 2022

This version of this article refers to new ChatBot Visual Builder.

Click here if you still use old builder and want to read the old version of this article.

LiveChat is a robust customer service platform that lets you connect with your website visitors in real time. The tool helps you deliver high-quality customer service and boost online sales. If you integrate ChatBot with LiveChat, you can combine AI scalability and the human approach into your support services.

Why should you integrate ChatBot with LiveChatLink icon

The ChatBot and LiveChat integration helps you improve the quality of your support services and boost your team performance.

  • The chatbot can answer popular questions and solve minor problems. It provides your support agents with more time to focus on complicated customer issues.

  • The chatbot can work 24/7. This means it can serve customers when your team is off.

  • One chatbot can answer multiple chats at once, lowering wait times.

Integration specificsLink icon

There are a couple of things you need to remember while using the ChatBot and LiveChat integration:

  • A chatbot becomes one of your agents and takes up one seat.

  • Within a group, all incoming chats are transferred to your chatbot agent first.

  • With LiveChat integration, ChatBot can perform special actions, including Transfer and Create ticket.

  • By default, the chatbot is assigned to group 0. You can change the group in the Transfer action settings.

  • The chatbot can transfer a chat to a human agent, and a human agent can transfer a chat back to the chatbot.

  • All chats with the chatbot are archived both in ChatBot and LiveChat.

  • All chats handled by the chatbot are automatically tagged as a chatbot. Additionally, chats that were transferred to human agents get an additional tag: chatbot-transfer.

  • All chats are routed to the chatbot agent. You can change this setup using the Remember recent agents option toggle.

LiveChat actions for ChatBotLink icon

LiveChat offers extra features that will help you better communicate with customers using ChatBot

  • Transfer allows you to pass ongoing chats to human agents when human expertise is needed.

  • Create ticket lets the customer create a ticket and leave a message for your support team.

  • Transcript enables you to send chat transcripts to a defined email address.

  • Tag chat lets the chatbot tag ongoing chats so that you can easily find them in the archives.

  • Mark goal helps you to set goals for your chatbot conversation so you can easily track them.

Additionally, LiveChat integration supports rich messages that allow you to use cards, buttons, carousels, and quick replies to create your chatbot replies. They make your conversation more dynamic and engage the user.

FAQLink icon

Can I send chat transcripts to my email?Link icon

Yes. You can send chat transcripts directly to your mailbox, learn more.

Can I turn the bot off when needed?Link icon

You can plan your bot’s availability in the work scheduler that’s offered in the Business and higher plans. It’s also possible to turn the chatbot on and off manually.

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