Connect your first webhook

Luiza Jurczyk
1 min read
updated: Mar 9, 2022

Set up your first webhookLink icon

  1. Select webhooks from the left panel of your dashboard.

  2. Click on Create new webhook button.

  3. Now you’re in the webhook view. Give your webhook a name, to quickly identify it and paste its URL.

  4. Enter the token that you want to use in your verification request.

  5. Additionally, you can fill Basic Auth and Header sections. These fields are optional.

  6. Click on the save button to keep your changes.

  7. Your first webhook is ready. The last step is to use it in the interaction.

Adding webhooks to the interaction:Link icon

  1. Go to the interaction you want to connect your webhook with and select the bot responses section.

  2. Select your webhook. You can identify it by it’s name.

  3. Click on the save button to keep your changes.

Now your interaction is all set up with the webhook.

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