Product availability

Daria Zaboj
3 min read
updated: Mar 9, 2022

Create a better product discovery experience for your Shopify store. Let customers search for specific products by using a chatbot.

The Product availability action lets the chatbot look for specific products in the Shopify store and display matched items as personalized recommendations in the chat. By supporting customers on their way to the shopping cart, you’ll boost conversion. Visitors who get product recommendations are more likely to purchase than those who don’t.

To use the Product availability action, you need to integrate ChatBot with your Shopify store.
To use the Product availability action, you need to integrate ChatBot with your Shopify store.

How to use the Product availability actionLink icon

  1. Open the Story you want to use to help customers search for products.

  2. Drag the Question action from the Action and Interaction menu and drop it in an appropriate place in your Story.

  3. Open the Question action and ask the user about what they’re interested in.

  4. In the Validate response with entity field chose the Any validation type.

  5. In the Save response to attribute field, choose a default Product query attribute from the list, or create a custom one.

  6. Lastly, in the Action on failure input field, you can decide what should happen if the user provides an invalid input. You can also set up how many attempts your chatbot should make to obtain a valid input from the user.

  7. Now, you can thank the user for providing the information. To do that, add a Bot response block after the Success block.

  8. Open the Bot response and enter the bot’s reply.

  9. Next, add the Product availability action from the Actions and Interactions menu.

  10. Open the Product availability block. This action contains the default Shopify attribute — Product query — that was used in the Question action earlier in the Story. This action is ready to use and doesn’t require configuration.

  1. Now, you can add the Bot response after the Success block to let the user know that the chatbot has found what they are looking for.

12. Now, you need to display products that match the user’s query. To do so, you add the Show products action after the Bot response.

  1. Open the Show products action. In the Action type field select Show products matched in Product availability. This way, the chatbot will show only items that match the customer’s query. For instance, if the customer asks about jumpers, your chatbot will present up to 11 jumpers.

  1. In the Product availability action field, select the Product availability block. Using this block, the chatbot will try to match the user query with products available in your Shopify store.

15. You’ll then be able to customize the card that will display the matched products. You can edit the text, show the price, or change the button title.

16. Finish the Product availability path by adding the Bot response after the Success block and suggest some further steps the user can take.

17. Finally, you need to prepare a message in case the chatbot can’t find a specific item in your Shopify store. To do so, add the Bot response after the Product availability Failure block.

18. Open the Bot response and enter the chatbot’s reply. You can ask the user to rephrase their query and try again.

  1. If you prompt the user to try again, you need to redirect them to the Question action. It will let the chatbot collect their new query and start the process again.

    • In the Button type field, choose Go to block.

    • In the Go to field, select the Question block you want to redirect the user to. When you’re ready, select Save settings. If necessary, you can test your Product availability path by using a Testing tool.

If you don’t want to build the Product availability path from scratch, use a pre-build Product availability flow.

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