Show Shopify order status

Daria Zaboj
4 min read
updated: Mar 9, 2022

Provide a better post-purchase experience. Make it possible for customers to track their orders using a chatbot.

The Show order action for Shopify allows customers to check their order status while chatting with a chatbot. The chatbot just needs the user’s order ID and postal code to check where their package is along the shipping process.

To use the Show order status action, you need to add ChatBot to your Shopify store first.
To use the Show order status action, you need to add ChatBot to your Shopify store first.

How to show the Shopify order status in ChatBotLink icon

  1. Open a Story you want to use to let users check their order status.

  2. Choose a point in your Story at which you want to add the order status path.

  3. To configure the Show order status action, you need to gather customer information first. Do this by using the Question action. Drag it from the menu and drop it into the Story.

  4. Open the Question block. In the Question variants field, ask the user for their order ID.

  5. In the Validate response with entity field, chose the Any validation type.

  6. In the Save response to attribute field, choose a default Order ID attribute, or create a custom one.

  7. Lastly, in the Action on failure input field, you can decide what should happen if the user provides an invalid response. You can also set up how many attempts your chatbot should make to obtain a valid response from the user.

  8. Now, select Add next question. This adds another section in which you’ll be able to gather more necessary information.

  9. In the Question variants field, ask the user for their postal code.

  10. In the Validate response with entity field, choose the Any validation type.

  1. In the Save response to attribute field, choose a default Postal code attribute or create a custom one.

  1. In the Action on failure input field, decide what should happen if the user provides an invalid response. Set up how many attempts your chatbot should make to obtain a valid response from the user.

  1. Now, add another Bot response after the Success block. Here, you can thank the user for providing their information and let them know what’s going to happen next.

  1. Next, select the Order status action from the Actions and Interactions menu and drop it after the Bot response you’ve added.

  1. Open the Show order status block. This action contains the default Shopify attributes — Order ID and Postal code — that were used in the Question action earlier in the Story. This action is ready to use and doesn’t require configuration.

  1. Now, you can decide what message will be shown to the user depending on their order status. For that purpose, use Filters. The number of filters you need to add depends on the number of order statuses you want to provide. Check the list of available Shopify statuses.

  1. Name the first Filter block as “SENT.” This block will help the chatbot to display a dedicated message to users whose orders have already been fulfilled/shipped.

  1.  Open the Filter block named “SENT.” Select the Add new filter field and then select Add filter for customer attribute.

  1. Now you need to create a new custom attribute for the Show order status action. Type shopify_order_status in the Attribute name field.

  1. n the Condition section choose = equals.

  1. In the Value section, type “sent.” Now, the chatbot message will appear only if the order is saved as “sent” (fulfilled) in the Shopify system. Finally, select Apply filter.

  1. Now, add the Bot response after the Filter block to provide a message for users whose packages have already been shipped.

  1. Select the Bot response you added and enter the bot’s reply.

  1. Now you can add another Filter block that will let you display a message for users whose orders haven’t been shipped yet. Open the second Filter block and name it IN “PROGRESS.” Configure the block:

    • In the Attribute name, type shopify_order_status.

    • In the Condition field, choose = equals.

    • In the Value field, type “in progress.” Now, the chatbot message will appear only if the order is saved as “in progress” in the Shopify system.

    When you’re ready, select Apply filter.

  1. Then, add the Bot response after the Filter block and provide a message for users whose packages haven’t been sent yet.

  1. Lastly, configure the Failure path in case the chatbot can’t find the user’s order ID in the Shopify database. To do so, add the Bot response after the Failure block.

  1. Open the Bot response block and enter the chatbot reply.

If you don’t want to build the Show order status path from scratch, use a pre-build Order status flow.

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