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New in ChatBot? This short overview will help you to understand better what chatbots are and how you can take advantage of their vast potential.

  • Welcome to Help Center
  • Create Your ChatBot Account
  • Meet our ChatBot platform
  • Meet Your Dashboard
  • Stories
  • Entities
See all 9 articles

Build your chatbot

Follow up many step-by-step tutorials to learn how to build comprehensive and powerful chatbots.

See all 1 articles

Install ChatBot

Add ChatBot to your website and connect with your visitors

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Artificial intelligence

Learn how to tweak the AI of your bot by selecting the matching system that is right for your story.

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Assign data to a user or an ongoing chat using attributes, to personalize the conversation.

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Bot responses

See all the available bot responses together with extensive case studies to understand how to use them. Also, check the compatibility table to know which responses are designed for which integrations.

See all 11 articles

Chat Widget

Add Chat Widget to your website and connect with your visitors

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Version history

Get greater control over your chatbot Story to complete your work faster.

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LiveChat integration

LiveChat is an ultimate customer service application that provides chatting solution for business

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Use your chatbot with popular messaging apps such as Messenger and Slack. Also, check the compatibility table, as different integrations may support different bot replies.

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Provide excellent user experience by building smart and efficient bots. Learn how to create smooth conversation, add filters and what are default interactions.

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Provide excellent user experience by building smart and efficient bots. Learn ChatBot interactions to understand ChatBot basics.

See all 7 articles


Use Moments to load your web application inside the chat widget.

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Reports give an insight into your bots’ performance. With the data in hands, you can get a better understanding of what parts of the stories work and what interactions require some extra work.

See all 1 articles


Learn how to set the essential behavior of your bots, such as confidence score. Find your API keys and modify the account.

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Shopify integration

Learn how to make the most of the ChatBot and Shopify integration.

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Turn your scenarios into unique stories. Learn what stories are, how to plan and map your conversation and use references.

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System Entities

Use System Entities to recognize essential user input such as e-mail address, phone number, URLs and much more.

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User Entities

User Entities give you an array of possibilities to collect custom user’s data. Here you will find useful examples of using entities and know how to build them for your needs.

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The Team feature allows you to easily invite new members to ChatBot right from your dashboard.

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Use templates to build powerful chatbots even faster.

See all 6 articles

Training Section

Improve your chatbot day by day using the training tool.

See all 2 articles


Users allow you to get closer to the people that chat with your bot and build relationships.

See all 1 articles


Webhooks allow you to connect your chatbot to your web services. Pass information from interactions and retrieve the result.

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